Sunday, 11 May 2008

Premium Rate Numbers

Stories have broken in the past few days about ITV being fined and the BBC paying back money due to running premium rate scams numbers on TV programs. Although both of these broadcasters have been held responsible, I do feel the viewers do have to take some responsibility for calling these numbers in the first place. Nobody forced you to do it!

What's more, broadcasters don't even need to run competitions using these numbers. Yes, I can understand the economics of running such competitions but do you really need an 0845 number? Though a quick poll of local radio and TV stations show a number of them using 0845 numbers though thankfully a fair number do not. In the voluntary broadcasting projects I've been involved in, phone numbers given out on air usually start 01...

There are websites out there that will provide you with a mapping from premium rate to regular numbers. However, these do have a flip-side. Working at a call centre (not even answering calls!) I occasionally get calls asking for help from a department I'm not involved in. Why? The website have published some of the direct dial numbers for the desks in the office.

How's that bad I hear you ask. Well, direct dialled calls can't always be transferred to a charging queue. Also, don't bother asking for a direct dial number for the department you're after. We aren't told them. What's more, I'm not going to let you get away without being charged when I'm charged to call these numbers. Why should I pay and you not?

Anyway, rant over! (Hurrah!). I did promise yesterday to tell you how the phone interview went. Well... I was fobbed off at the end with "we'll contact you within a week...". The interviewer was not chuffed in me wasting their time after being told this by asking about the rest of the selection process.

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