Tuesday, 6 May 2008

Forgetfulness and Last Minute

There seems to be a rumour kicking around that students always do things last minute or forget all together. I'd like to dispel this myth, but I did not get out of my pit until 0845 today therefore running late for a tutorial. Not a good move but it's the last week of classes and I've lasted out so far.

Anyway, yesterday we were asked to provide assistance for live artists on one of STAR's programs less than 24hrs before the show. Thankfully, a few of the tech team did step up to the plate and help out! But, we technically should have said it was not doable.

On the forgetfulness front... I did walk in to the studio the other day to a recorded show still running on loop from CD the night before. It looks as though they expected people to turn up at midnight / 1am to stop the CD while they were away.  No great problem fixing it... but it gave me an excuse to play Meat Loaf on the radio!

A bit of tech update as well. Wired's new server seems to be moving along nicely (according to the updates I've read from Hash9). We are going virtual with this server using Xen (the hardware supports it). Should be a fun new experience as we currently run separate boxes. However, the assistant sysadmin (Jaunty) does claim he's had training in virtualisation. A possible scape goat when things go wrong... :)

...only joking Jaunty!

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