Saturday, 10 May 2008


Well, yesterday saw the first meeting with me as Head of IT/Tech for STAR. Pulling in a record 3 attendees (thanks to Kieran and Adam for turning up) we did get a few problems solved.


One that was touched on by Adam in his blog was about live bands on STAR. Occassionally, we do allow this for small bands and the tech team provide assistance. However, once you get above 2 or 3 people, things start to go a bit wrong. We only have 4 microphones in the studio for one. Also, STAR's studio is very small.


Two suggestions were made to fix this: set a hard limit on the number of members for live groups or pre-record the session for playout later. I suppose if need be we could link up from another room using a porable mixer if we really needed to (the union has a rather large room directly opposite STAR's studio). Unfortunately, any action in this area has to be made by the comittee as it's a policy decision. I think I'll take my asbestos suit to the next meeting when I suggest restricting live performances.


Also, a number of things have been "inherited" from my predicesor. Usually these are good, e.g. all PC's running Mac (DJ / News web browser) or Linux (playout, servers, file storage, etc.). But there have been a few surprises. For example. we have a wooden rack currently holding just as portable sound recorder. We also have a flight case holding all of our non-portable compressors. I'll let you figure out the flaw in that one...


In other news... I'm due to get a telephone interview tomorrow for a better paid position at my work. I'll let you know how it goes...

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