Wednesday 28 January 2009

Instant Carts, Command Carts and 8 Track Carts(!)

Ok, I'm only kidding about the 8 track carts - they disappeared from radio yonks ago (though replaced by Minidisc in some places!). As the title implies, I've been working on the cart system for AllDay DJ 3. The result of a day's hard labour:

A working cart system. Both station and user carts. There's no hotkeys setup but it works well enough and even triggers from the command carts.

Talking of which, I'm aiming to develop a networking command set. These will send commands over the network to other systems allowing for remote control. Cool huh? This should allow for networking between stations rather easily.

Oh, and of course, I'll be working on voice tracking at some point. It's big stuff in radio nowadays. Though, there is voice tracking support in AllDay DJ 2, I've never release the module as it's horribly unstable (and rather difficult to make stable).

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