Friday, 25 July 2008

Best Intentions

Working in customer services, my job consists of handling complaints from time to time. Some complaints are valid, need investigation and fixed. Others not so much.

There also exists a sub category of valid complaints. These are valid issues that need taken up and investigated, but are reported for the wrong reasons. Take the example of the allegation of staff at the fish counter not using gloves. That is something that will be taken up with the branch management. However, it was reported not because of *just* cross contamination (the reason I would have it investigated) but because this cross contamination may put vegetarians off eating the fish!!! I'm a bit lost by that one. Why would a vegetarian be eating fish (a meat)?

There are also the bizarre. I was reading on the internal notice boards system that a customer had complained about the refurbishment at one of the small, town centre stores. You would think it would be because of noise, disruption, works, etc. You'd be wrong. Turns out the food was being moved to different locations during the works and the customer insisted we hand out maps! This is for a store with about 3 isles in it.

And finally, a story was printed in the local press about hospital staff wearing uniforms on public transport. Not something they should really be doing. The paper quoted a person taking about contamination from the "unwashed masses". Bit full of yourself, eh? No wonder you asked to remain anonymous.

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