It's a part of modern radio that you can't get away from - voice tracking. If your response is "voice what?", it's the recording of presenter links in advance to be played out by the computer later. Often you won't know this practice is being used.
Anyway, its a feature missing from the older versions of AllDay DJ. So, I've just added it to version 3 as demonstrated in the following screen capture:
The left screen is the voice tracking panel and consists of the following steps:
- Record or choose the audio to use.
- Review the audio.
- Add details (so other users can tell what it is).
- Save then drag-and-drop into the log.
The right-hand screen is the log screen. Normally, it's showing the current log. However, as shown by the banner, it's actually a "future" log for 24/01/2010 at 11:00. You can edit and save any log without affecting what's going to air. Neat, eh? What's more, you can drag and drop audio from the future log into empty players to preview with. Even neater!
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