Wednesday 8 October 2008

Virtually Broken

The other day saw wired's VM just decide it didn't like executing anything useful and just eat CPU (we're talking much more than usual). So, I kill the server (you can't use it) and attempt to restart it.

Unfortunately this fails. Not because somebody screwed up with tar and root like last time but because the kernel module decided to unload itself. This was actually nothing to do with the crash but did give some rather concerning error messages.

If this is a one off, we have no problems but if it happens again, we should probably consider other options to KVM. We've tried Xen which seemed to "pause" execution and resume it after an arbritary period of time.  As it didn't crash out, we had no error logs and could find no similar situations on the internet. So that option is also out.

VMWare has been toured as an option as well as OpenVZ. As we only have on VM, we could actually just run wired on the bear metal. The last option seeming the most stable as the host OS has not actually crashed out yet.

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